
Hash Trash 2010

Trash 1403

Run no: 1403
GM : Cockroach
RA : CandyMan
Venue : Coco Beach car spares reclamation centre
Hares : DumbAss, Nuts4Love, BoogieBoobs

Scary thought for the day : when Nuts4Love noticed the lack of scribing it was already half way through the circle (which shows just how much notice you lot take). The RA eventually caught on about half way into his slot - so that possibly makes him the second most intelligent hasher at the run. You should definitely be worried.

Despite the GM’s concerns about the venue, nothing went walkabout except a group of hashers led by BoogieBoobs and both the run and walk seemed to be applauded and met expectations all round. What ever happened to slash down the tall poppy and destructive criticism I hear you ask.
The refreshing onshore breeze made the circle a popular place to be, except for a pair of virgin walkers who wanted to run but didn’t - they had to be dragged back into the circle twice before finally escaping to their version of reality.

Cockroach gave away all the left over valuables, and allowed muuuultipleee boring announcements about Halloween parties, the Marine Ball, the Caledonian Ball and other forthcoming non-events, but slipped in the breathtaking nwh arrangements ‘probably’ at CampBed’s and Spits’n’Swallows (there farewell hash so don’t miss your last chance to abuse them).

Having been awarded hashshit last week, KnightRider was bullied into donning more and more of the regalia during the run, which effort continued under CockRoach’s reign in the circle and KR was duly downdowned for his efforts to maintain his dignity.
The CandyMan had Shark Killer in the circle, in the nicest possible way - possibly to show off her fetching red skintight running longs - but purportedly because she auditioned for the Wicked Witch of the Aussies (Ed. note = Wiz of Oz to you).
AC/DC joined her because she had run back to collect the non walking virgins (said to be training for the Tanzanian 100 metre team) which sounds like heroinism to me - can you say that ?
Departees Jesus and Twitcher were followed in by the returnees. Fat Bastard claimed to have been gestating but we all know she’s always had a big round tummy full of beer and burgers. Castrato and Dumbass were also welcomed back, which left Kim who was accorded hero status for returning after a last run in Dar in 1992, but a downdown for not having bothered to turn up since he actually returned to Dar in January this year.
Moving on to the virgins the RA was delighted to find Drew had arrived from Arusha, which inevitably led to a few brief showers of rain. However his fsp called into question his nationality as he claimed the reverse cowgirl for his own. Caroline was scared to admit to roots in Mikocheni in case some similar performance would ensue. Her fsp was initially claimed as ‘unknown due to a state of virginity’ but under stern questioning soon changed to an intrigueing ‘hangman’. A quivering group of male hashers immediately surrounded her to elicit more details - which were unfortunately lost to your scribe in the hubbub.

The GM recovered control of the circle (joke) and pointed out that Caroline is actually an undercover agent (more perking of ears) but only in terms of writing up the hash. Seems we are popular subjects for literary efforts recently.
At the insistence of Jesus, the GM also called up snitches for misdemeanours. Pleasure Centre and Pleasure Pooch, Shark Killer, OnePumpChump, Kim, and F’Off were variously “dobbed in” (in keeping with the vaguely Aussie slant developing in this weeks trash).
Half marathon frb’s TinySausage, AC/DC and Jesus were recognised and F’Off was joined by all his American friends before we moved on to the HashShit stakes.

KnightRider was quick to remove the regalia and started the ritual beer soaking and dirt tredding sequence with vigour and dedication. Alternative nominees included OnePumpChump, Kim, and Flatulence, but the circle were in a mean mood (according to KnightRider’s assessment) and the truly democratic voting confirmed that KR should be allowed to maintain his exalted position for another week. Surprisingly reluctantly he again donned his newly annointed robes.
SLSC with the virgins and ON ON to a good spread of food and another small libation or two completed the evenings proceedings.
Good run, good venue, good food, good company - anotherresoundingsuccesshick.
She’ll be right at CampBed ‘s tentsite next week.
See ya there for a tinnie while Bruce and Sheila’ll chuck a prawn on the barbie for ya.

yours sincerely, but with no guarantees of accuracy,
Squire L
ps If you too want the chance to make up or simply enhance history, then tell the CockRoach you’ll scribe for him. He’s auditioning applicants week by week.

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