
Hash Trash 2007-2009

No title specified

Run No. 1267 22 July 2008
Venue: Woody’s hole, Kawe
Hares: My Little Pony, Janine and Verna

Those brave souls who ventured through the evening rush hour to the end of civilisation as we know it were treated to a cracking run through fine hashing country. There was a good turnout, and that is without counting the hoards of watoto kidogo who joined us for much of the run. They also participated fully in the hymn to Father Abraham. Taking our social responsibilities seriously we shepherded the watoto safely across the main road and then immediately back again. All very heart-warming stuff I’m sure. It was getting dark by the time we came off the beach and fell on the beer truck with parched throats.

The Grand Master came amongst us in the human form of Candyman, who was less pinkish than usual. He lavished praise on Friar Tuck and Hornigoat for the munificent scrumptiousness of last weeks food, and had a kind word for My Little Pony and Saddlesore for their nerdy efforts to give the Dar hash a worldwide presence - thanks to them ooooooor website will now accept photos, but only likkle ones please (max. 1” x 1”). ParknRide likes it short and slow, so she was not at all happy with the walk. The GM castigated (I think i have spelt that right) Candyblower, Rent Boy and My Little Pony for cadging a lift on the beer truck and covering him with dust as they sped by. The Bitch was congratulated for becoming a father, though I am reliably informed that his part in the whole enterprise was extremely small. CampBed was the Guest RA, and his main concern seemed to be to get all offenders, Virgins, returnees, and anyone else he could think of, into the middle for one big Down Down - forgetting that we only have so many mugs - and on this night, not much beer.

Tiny Sausage nominated My Little Pony for Hashit on account of him getting his trail crossed (but technically he didn’t, Tiny!) Dog’s Bollocks was nominated for giving up and walking before we even got to the first check, and Rent Boy was nominated, because we always nominate Rent Boy. But the overwhelmingly popular choice for Hashit this week was Joe who was spotted doing warm-up exercises before the run started. If there is anything that the Hash is not about, if you get my drift, it is fitness, and physical well-being. The Circle ended without a song, which offended the traditionalists, but delighted the
more libertarian, free-spirited wing of the Hash (aka Nutcracker).

Did anyone else think Saddlesore’s hash cakes tasted rather mild? - put more hash in them love next time please.
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