
Hash Trash 2007-2009

Scribbles 20 Aug 07


Monday 20 August 2007
Run: 1215
Venue: Boogie Boobs and Wet Dream’s mansion
Hares: Boogie Boobs, Wet Dream and Boxer

Well here we are once more - the brief respite from my ponderings seems to have lifted the spirits of the hash in general, and a fine turn out of hounds made it to the GM’s house, with a few old faces turning up again - to add historical perspective?

The run must have had twenty or more on the paper trail, and the walkers were well represented on their short cuts, with lots of opportunity to swop between the two. A beer stop in the backroads even gave a suitable point for a short / long run split so the FRBs felt they’d worked up a sweat.

The pool was polluted by sweaty bodies as soon as the pack returned (not necessarily by choice - entry assistance was provided for some unwilling swimmers) and the GM started the circle with the wet ones, led by Salty Gonads. Ed-jaculate got in there with his Hash Shit gear, and Dancing Lemon Turd made his first circle appearance for more than two years, as a lookalike for F’ing Nobody when FN was to be introduced as the new ‘Hash Hash’ member on the MisManagement Committee - responsible for hash food.

Boogie Boobs advertised the Mikadi Beach runs (4pm Sat 25 / about 10am Sun 26) - should be a good turnout.

The GM announced the cancellation of the MMC meeting on Thursday due to his expected absence, but Hash Assistant Everything NeanderShorty stepped into the breach and the meeting is now on again at Valhalla, 7pm Thursday 23rd - all interested hashers welcome.

Trailmaster Boxer gave the good news - next weeks run will be hosted by BothWays from her den of iniquity at 113 Mgombani Street on Regents Estate.

And the hares, and the hares ..... were toasted with a quick sip (noticeably missing out the usual request for comments from the pack about the standard of the trail), before moving swiftly onto a lost item of apparel for which RentBoy was asked to select four hashers which it might suit. Well there is no semblance of taste when you think DLT may look good in a miniature black negligee with fluffy collar; Captain Skidmark was even worse; but St Knickerless definitely raised the standards; DianA had an advantage as the final candidate and she won the approval of the circle in general. Begging For It admitted to previous ownership but donated it to the Hash Shit wardrobe rather than demonstrate how well it fitted.

Our very own RA was in attendance (she said shes been coming whilst I was away, but ... ) and took the circle through a spot including some pseudo Nairoberians who jumped a lift on a passing bakkie and had no hash T shirts; some horses penis connections; and got DLT to entertain us with his very own Turds, turds, turds song, ably assisted by Dead Loss.
Returnees included Dancing Lemon Turd, Captain Skidmark, Scotty, St Knickerless, My Little Pony, ... enough already.
And we had four virgins to pick on ....
And we sang the Warm Safari song ....

And we moved on to the hash Shit Stakes. Ed-jackulate, having been forced back into the full regalia, was very keen to disrobe and offered up as a candidate : F’ing Nobody - for poor chicken impersonations; which led to DLT - as another septic tank; and Salty Gonads got in there for encouraging watery pursuits in the pool.

The GM led the voting with his normal aplomb and impartiality, so DLT never stood a chance but does look sweet in the new negligee and miniskirt combination, and the checkered tights did wonders for his vocal pitch.

DLT and the virgins led the circle in the hash hymn of praise, before descending upon the nosh and a couple more refreshments.

Next week could be a real treat, BothWays in her element, DLT in his regalia, don’t read about it - come and be a part of it all.


Squire L
Scribe to the DarHHH

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