
Hash Trash 2007-2009

Scribbles 3 Sept 07

Venue: Gay Haggis and Tulip’s house, 1205 Slipway Road
Hares: Gay Haggis, Bag of Bones, Panty Pockets

Well you couldn’t miss the run venue with the amount of paper on the road outside, spelling out DHHH. The trade in shredded american secret papers is obviously booming.

Another good turnout with all the schools back, and a well kept surprise of a commerative T shirt for the Gay Haggis TTTT th, meant that the pack were keen to go. The hares had done a fine job with lots of checks, false trails and check backs. The beer stop really being half way around caused some consternation amongst the runners who swigged a quick beer. A few sank back into walking mode and the rest burped it round the remainder of the trail.

The GM started the circle with Gay Haggis and Tulip, to explain the T shirt (TTTTth = 4 T th = 40th) and toast the design, followed by those who had not donned their free T shirt.

The US contingent were next, for finding a boat small enough to fit into Dar harbour, and resulted in F’ing Nobody being surrounded by harriettes eager to meet the crew.

‘Hash Cash’ Park’n’Ride was asked if we are ready for the next MMC meeting yet (answer = not this week!) and the ‘Hash Ass’ NeanderShorty stood in for the Trailmaster to announce next weeks run from Salty Gonads (directions to be emailed).

Before moving on, the hares and the hares and the hares were thanked in suitable fashion, and no run reports needed.

The RA BothWays confounded all by being with us again, but the GM said she was in a foul mood and not to be trifled with (does this mean you would or would not get your just dessert??) The FRB Captain Skidmark had lived up to his name with brown stains all over his new shirt, and Squirrel joined him for an uncoordinated acrobatic display immediately before the beer stop. Both were administered down downs on their knees. But visitor James (Pussy Whipped) from Texas caught the brunt of the RA’s mood by talking loud Texan style, and was given some ice to incubate whilst the other three virgins and visitors were introduced and welcomed. Alex had been found after the run on one of the Gay Haggis beds and was called to account for his actions, before LaurA and DianA were put on their knees in the circle for consideration of suitable names.

Returnee Lord Whore Whore led a rendition of ‘We Are Hashing’ (at the second try) around the supplicants whilst the pack thunk. ‘Scrag Bag’, ‘We Love You’, ‘We Love You More’ and ‘Spank Me More’ were rejected
as inappropriate and L’A and D’A were sent away still unaddressable.

The eight returnees included Tiny Sausage, Knight Rider, Capt Skidmark, Nasty Pasty, CandyMan, and my beer soaked notes are useless, but they were all welcomed back in proper fashion, before the RA passed the circle back to Wet Dream.

CandyMan has done a lot of hashs but still turned up in new shoes and so the GM kindly gave him a cheesy shoe down down in recognition of his purchase. And as there are a pair of shoes, Kirsty got to enjoy the other one for NOT helping him buy them.

Last weeks Hash Shit (Bombastic) was absent without leave so the virtual hash shit stakes were on again. NeanderShorty was first up for not listening to the GM; and he nominated Squirrel for attempting to catapault himself into the beer truck at the beer stop; Nasty Pasty proposed LaurA and DianA for using NP’s flat as a rat breeding laboratory whilst NP was away; and Gay Haggis suggested Pussy Whipped for being a loud Texan. The ladies were found to have been the worst offenders and DianA and LaurA were acknowledged as joint Hash Shits.

The haggis having reached its perfectly cooked state, the GM led a brief version of Swing Low with virgins in the centre, before a rush for the food, washed down with another of those weird bottled beers that turned up in the beer coolers. And you should have tasted the rich and flavoursome chocolate and whisky balls for dessert - I did .. twice .. and only the general glutony of the rest of the pack prevented a third.

See you next week at Salty Gonads place, and don’t forget he’s an FRB so expect a good trail.


Squire L

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