

Squirrels are quiet and harmless creatures who love to play with Nutcrackers.
Frequently thought to be a cuddly animal, they are surprisingly long and skinny when hanging by the toes, but have a plump little belly when well looked after and love to have their tummies gently stroked. Unfortunately do not do well in captivity and should always be given freedom to drown their sorrows or any other activity which stiffens the tail

Amazingly this one can be contacted by phone on 0755 083 800 or by swimming out to sea from the DYC to his hollowed out floating log.

Previously acted as Hash Scribe under cover of the pseudonym Squire L so he wouldn’t be bothered by inane historical questions from the GM.

Recently promoted to the esteemed and sought after role of TRAILMASTER (so he was told and Squirrels are gullible).

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Hash Trash

  1. Hash Trash 1562
    Wed 29 of May, 2013 19:20 EAT
  2. Hash Trash 1561 (Again?)
    Wed 29 of May, 2013 19:18 EAT
  3. Hash Trash 1561
    Mon 13 of May, 2013 21:29 EAT
  4. Hash Trash 1560
    Mon 06 of May, 2013 17:38 EAT

 Failed to execute “top_quizzes” module

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